
American Legion Charles Cowden Post 184



The Post Commander, immediately upon taking office or with least delay, shall appoint the following committees:
Building and Properties, Entertainment, Publicity and Public Relations, Membership, and other such committees as he/she may deem necessary to insure post functions. Such committees shall consist of such members, and the chairperson thereof, as shall be designated by the Post Commander. In the absence of an appointed committee the Executive Committee will be responsible for the duties of that committee, and/or the delegation of those duties, and on-going oversight thereof.


Bar Committee

This committee shall have charge of all matters as outlined on page 3 of the Post Bylaws under the direction of the Bar Committee Chairman and currently meets the second Monday of each month prior to the General Membership Meeting.


The following are members of the Committee by virtue of Office. 

Gary Pipho




Dan Toft

Finance Officer



Jerry Parr





The following are Elected Members of the Committee.

Don Alden




Lyman Gronseth

Committee Member



Richard Dean

Committee Member




Building and Properties Committee

The Post Building and Properties Committee shall be responsible for obtaining facts, estimated costs, and plans for all new post buildings, renovations of old post buildings, and maintenance of post properties. They shall obtain the facts and monetary estimates of all sales or purchases of real estate properties.

Entertainment Committee

The Entertainment Committee shall have charge of all matters pertaining to the promotion of club advantages and arrangements for social activities under the direction of the Second Vice Commander.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall have charge of all matters pertaining to the membership of the post, including the procuring of new members, reinstatement, and eligibility of members under direction of First Vice Commander.